Thursday, July 26, 2007


John is having trouble and I'm not sure what it is. He is having trouble with the TV, but I think he really just wants me out there for some reason-so I'm going to go. Maybe he doesn't know either-sometimes things just work that way.

Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday and the year anniversary of when John got sick. I wonder if he has the same cycle/body memory thing that I do. Or, maybe he senses I need him because I miss my daughter.

The ties that bind families are very mysterious indeed.

Lap Band update: Energy level-hmmmm, moderate. Pain level-almost non existent. Even the morning roll out of bed wasn't bad at all. Each day is the remaining pain has a noticeable decrease. I'm pleasantly surprised at the little pain from the non-port incisions, because stitches on a wiggly jiggly body part can be painful. I've had boobie stitches before a couple of times for lump removals, and those were bothersome.

1 comment:

Michele said...

I think it is so great that you are getting to spend this time with your family. What a priceless experience. Enjoy every minute of it!