Sunday, September 2, 2007

Crazy Sexy Cancer

Just watched it on TLC-I recorded it last week because I didn't feel like I could manage to watch anyone's illness or pain. It was actually very good-and upbeat. It talked about living through whatever life dealt you-we all have challenges that cause us to grow and become (hopefully) better people.

Today was a nice day. I went to lunch and shopped with Uncle John. We stopped in for a scoop of ice cream on the way back. Uncle John is easy to be with and always has been. He's like my brother-some people are just born agreeable.

I had a weird pain in my port incision off and on all afternoon. I swear it felt like a gas bubble (from the surgery) was bumping it. I'm sure it's still healing. My foot has been assaulted with various shooting pains lately-but I think that's the nerves healing.

I feel like today and yesterday was my pleasant respite from the previous week's angst and bad moods. Maybe it was the Lunar Eclipse-the whole Dark Side of the Moon.....and if the dam breaks open many years too soon, and if there is no room upon the hill,and if your head explodes with dark forbodings too-I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.....No finer words were ever written.

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