Monday, December 31, 2007

2007-The End

Not the end of the blog, the end of the year. Other than a time to reflect, I've always wondered what the signficance was about the turning of a calendar page. I suppose we do need markers to tell us to look back over the paths recently taken.

That is such a human thing-the reflection. Greta is not reflecting over her surgery she had in January, or last minute rescue from a life of puppy mill bondage. She's out barking at the squirrels and defending the manor against maurading mastiffs.

But, I am a human, not a dog, so I will reflect a bit. Just not now, I don't feel particulary reflective. This past year has been a wild ride-in years past I would cheer the passing of such a year. But in my old age, I know know that the turning of a calendar page means nothing more than a marker-change and new hope come from within.

Farewell 2007, you taught me much.

Happy New Year to you all-I'm looking forward to sharing our next round of adventures.


kj said...

awwh, debra kay, this is all so true. and so wise. and so beautifully written.

the best of years ahead for you,


Debra Kay said...

And you too my friend.