Saturday, December 29, 2007

Do I have SAD?

That sounds like a Dr. Suess Book. I have SAD. SAD SAD SAD. It could be bad, oh yes, very bad.

SAD is probably no laughing matter, and I probably have it. But I already take Prozac, and I have a natural light lamp I need to hook up for the prescribed minutes of the day and see if that makes things better. Wouldn't it be great if it worked?

If not, I suppose I'll have to head out to the Caribbean in order to recover my good mood. Hey, maybe SAD aint so bad....


kj said...

a tropical island is a DEFINITE cure! and i think the lamp will help too.

happy new year!

Mim said...

I'm sitting in the sun, by the pool, getting my vitamin is going to get cloudy then nice again, lovely!

Anonymous said...

SAD SAD SAD..there's something in repetition that does something good to your serritonin, no?..or is that just stuff like knitting and knotting and nattering?

Debra Kay said...

Reptition, alliteration, it's all music to my ears. Maybe I should take KJ's advice and go crochet on the beach.

Mim, save some sun for me, I'll be there next Sunday. Yes, started counting days when the last snow storm hit.