I'm currently logging food/exercise intake on Fitday. I bought the at home version, but there is a free version at
www.fitday.com (Sign up for the free one and you'll get a 10 dollar coupon for the for pay one). This peace sign is the average make up of the last 7 days-no booze-it would ruin the design. The daily make up varies-and I've been shrinking my blue section (carbs) so th next 7 days might not seem so pretty, but the hippie nerd computer geek health nut in me really likes this screen shot.
There is something about putting things in a chart that makes it less threatening-that's probably why we do it for executives all the time.
i have been detoxing on just vegetables for the past 4 days and feel worlds better, but i hate charts, actually i hate diets and i hate food too....but then i love food, i hate it, i love it....
That's exactly why I loved Weight Watcher. I loved being able to chart everything I ate in that little book.
I hated WW but I like this computer chart thing very much, because it's a lot like excel and is something I would have built if I had the time/interest. I love the charts. Yes, I am a dork.
And, I hate and love food too. The charting is helping understand I mean really GET the nutritional components of food. I mean when you run comparisons of say a snickers bar vs. a homemade protien bar, the calories are the same, but the sugar in the snickers just stands out.
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