Uh, I'm talking about mourning my snakes, but I suppose it could work for any loss. And saying it's over doesn't mean saying I'm over-just that I'm over with grieving.
The boy is a pinstripe, the two girls are clowns, and trust me, you don't wanna know what I paid. But they put my project about where it would have been if everyone hadn't died, maybe a little further.
These are ball pythons, which the majority of my snakes were. I'm going to focus on the original project (messing with reduced patterns and brown tones). So with a little cha-ching I've gone from wayyyy back to square one two years ago to the present.
Now, I was going to say that moving on doesn't mean that I didn't love my other snakes and yadda yadda, but that makes absolutely NO SENSE because the snakes didn't know or care if I loved them or not, even when they were alive. And now that they are NOT-I know energy goes on but I have absolutely no idea where they are now. I just don't have a clue.
And, I'm finally ok with that. Beasts don't sit around and worry about what if what if what if what if what if. They just move on, in this world and the next. What I DO know, is that they are not here, and I miss them. Enter the three musketeers.
One of the things I've missed about my former pals is how I could sit with one, calm my mind and get to a point of knowing much easier than I can do without a snake handy. I'm hopeful that the new trio will be just as skilled at mind melding. If not, well, there is another being headed for 49th street, but I will talk about him more tomorrow. He's quite a handsome fellow.
They are beautiful looking snakes! Good luck with being a "closet" snake keeper! Interesting how they help clam your mind but understandable - stalking birds does the same for me :)
you are amazing, Deb.
Anon-I actually feel more fear working with birds than I do the snakes-they bite harder (the birds). But it's a good kind of challenge because it forces you to calm your mind on a whole new level. And the bird has more of an active, accessible memory.
Snakes can recognize individuals, or so some people think, but I believe it's closer to the truth that they recognize individual energies as threatening or non threatening.
That's why I never really liked showing the snakes to fearful people-it upset the snakes as much as it upset the people. If someone were truly interested in learning, I could go with it for a bit, but if they just wanted to gawp and reinforce their prejudice, why subject my pet to that?
I'll never forget a visit to a snake farm when I was about 6...they draped a gigantic black snake around my shoulders and I didn't want to give it back. I thought nothing of it -no fear- until my parents made a fuss.
The most snakes that come into my life now are tiny garter snakes and some beautiful orange ones we call cinnamon snakes. So cool to find a nest of babt garters in the compost pile on a summer day.
But a pet snake...I don't know.
so am I reading this right? you got new snakes? if yes, good for you! you are doing the right thing. I want to draw these snakes, they are so beautiful.
They are on their way Mim, as well as a chondro-a green tree python. GTP's are stunning to draw and photograph, although most don't care for being held. They start out yellow or red and slowly turn green, and sometimes, a rare female will turn blue. I bought a hatchling out of a blue mother-chances are it's not a girl, and even less likely would it be a blue girl, but even the plainest of GTP's are amazing to sit and contemplate. I just wanted to roll the dice one time and see what it brought me.
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