Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wild Ride

It's been a topsy turvy week-physically and mentally. Falling a lot prior to surgery due to weakness and lack of potassium. Trying to balance what I need vs. what my parents need to feel involved, etc. Messing up, figuring it out again, getting up.

Elderly people can only take so much change and stress before they crack, and I gave up fighting Mom on certain issues like coming to the hospital, going back to their house, etc. just because it seemed easier on everyone to give in. Bad mistake. When I figured out the right action to take, I tossed my stuff in a bag and came home at 2 am.....leaving a very nice thank you note on the bed. That action seemed to set everything right-they've relaxed, I can sleep and heal.

So, the lesson here is, if you just give on cause it's easier, you are still going to have to clean a bigger mess eventually-there is no time off from that rule for any reason.

I was so glad to be home to my birds and my things and my computer-and so grateful to swallow water and keep it down-and to pee without doubling over and to stand without crashing down and getting another bruise. Hey look, I'm walking-hey look, I can water the garden!

Gory details-BIG prolapse of stomach into esophagus-no wonder. Small prolapse of stomach into lapband, likely from gagging on the stomach in my throat. No lasting damage (can you believe it?) Got everything untucked, the band repositioned, and the hernia repaired.

And here's the the thing-that dreaded hernia repair felt like a sore throat. I'm usually not a wimpy wimp, so I can only conclude that I needed this experience which is why I feared that hernia repair like nothing I've ever feared before.

I've been resting, preparing healing broths from my garden, and thinking about you guys a lot. More later.


soulbrush said...

omg it all sounds sooo sore, was it done by keyhole surgery? you are up and about so god you are strong, thank heavens. yup i so agree with you, when we try to please others, we end up hurting ourselves...the best thing you did was go HOME at 2am. bet oliver was glad to see you.i am so relieved and pleased you are okay, missed you was worried about you. love ya debs.

Teri said...

Holey moley, sounds like you have been through the mill! Glad you are home and healing. Oliver will take good care of you.

Debra Kay said...

It's weird, I knew I HAD to get home and get WELL fast. It was almost a compulsion. Now I know why-Daddy fell this morning.

More later.

Mim said...

Poor baby! Let Ollie take care of you, he's been waiting for this

soulbrush said...

dad fell? oh no. now it's time for YOU!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Poor baby. Sounds like you need to get on the sofa and rest a spell. I do hope you get to feeling better. Being at home should let you heal faster anyway.

Julie said...

I sure am glad you are OK Debra! That was quite an ordeal to go through! Glad you can be home with your animals...they give so much comfort and strength! Take good care of yourself!

studio lolo said...

Holy schmoley what a ride!
I'm glad you listened to your wise inner voice and got outta dodge!

rest, heal...miss you too ;)

kj said...

smack. mwah. tsup.

Michele said...

Feel better soon. If I lived closer, I'd bring you some Matzah Ball Soup : )