Lucy is turning into a wonderful photo subject. Placid and still, but not shy and scared. Oh joy oh joy. And she's pretty too. Doesn't she look like a fabulous basket or even an ash tray? This isn't fiddled with in the least, all that color, all that texture, that's my Lucy!
Happy Animal Wednesday!
holy crap!!! that's quite a snake you've got there... remind me never to visit you... I like you and all... but I HATE snakes!!! Thing I like most about my island home is that the closest we have to snakes is night crawler worms...
All the same though... it does sort of look like a basket...
Hopper hopper hopper, how many snakes have you know personally? Do you hate snakes from experience, or just from what you've been told?
Well I know some lawyers... does that count??? really though it's just from what I've been told... I know that there's nothing wrong with snakes and that they;re not evil or slimy or anything... maybe it's just all the bad press they get in religious texts and everything... the propaganda got to me... and also... I've never spent too much time in their presence... that would probably help me a bit with my phobia...
Honestly, I don't "hate" any creature, and the only one I fear is our own species...
That is a beautiful snake - as you know I am not familiar enought with snakes to either like or hate them, but I know lovely markings when I see them.
Snakes don't bother me, as long as they are not poisonous snakes.
But I don't have any need to keep them, unless they are edible. LOL
lucy is a true beauty, she would be a wonderful subject to paint...mmm maybe i will....
OMG she's gorgeous! She really does look like a wonderful piece of Native American basketry. Wow. Only Mother Nature could do this.
Is it still Wednesday there? WHAT A BEAUTY!!!
i have to agree with hopper. my brother had snakes when we were kids and i couldn't bond with them then either. i just can't.
but i am happy for you and lucy...
Ahhh, I'm going to have to have a snake handling workshop for my blogger friends...LOL.
Actually, I don't think it's something you can just get over in one day. Learning to pick up a snake takes time, and then learning to enjoy a snake takes a little longer. But they are fascinating creatures and so worth it.
What amazes me, is that people will eek and awk at the snakes, and the same person will stick their hand in the parrot's cage-who is far more likely to bite and far more likely to do harm. (Not because he's sinister, he's just better equipped)
Even a relatively large (6 foot or so) constrictor really can't do much harm with a bite. Now I saw some the other day whose heads were longer than my feet (size 9) and whose bodies where thicker than my calf and maybe 16 feet plus range in size. I'm sure a bite from one of those would hurt a bit (but if there had been time I would have loved to have help hold one)
Personally, I wouldn't want to be alone in a room with one of those big guys on the loose, because a snake THAT large could do harm and I wouldn't be able to stop it. But they were behind glass and not interested in eating me anyway, so I felt no fear, just delight at being able to be so close to such magnificent creatures.
What was ironic, was that I felt real fear when one of the guys came walking up with a live full grown rabbit (soon to be dinner). Now THOSE things can hurt you.
a very interesting post about a very beautiful creature...
this one here reminds me of a cake or donut... so yummy!
can't tell i can pick one but i love watching them... once in a science exhibition i touched one... so cold...
in that exhibition a couple owned all those snakes that were collected from different places in Iran... the young woman loved her snakes as if they were her children... and i was amazed with her care and love for these enigmatic and fascinating creatures...
Okay, I won't lie. I really don't like snakes but obviously I am in the minority here. But is sure works for HAW!!
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