I'll start the day with a bit of nature. Many of us have had not so merry months of May. I remember once a thousand years ago (or maybe only a few weeks) I cheerily said we should all go out and visit nature each day. I do do that-but today I'll bring some here in case you can't.
And now, actual photos from my actual physical body. Ewwwww.

I took these for a forum I am part of-it's very hard to photograph bits of your own lower body unless you are more limber than I....LOL. The moons actually go longways down my outer thigh, but I was lazy and didn't flip the picture. The big colored piece is a redo-it took 6 hours. Yep, it hurt.
These are so much a part of me now that I forget other people may find them interesting.

Things are pretty much the same. The nursing home keeps calling me so that they can document we've communicated and that I am aware my Uncle is going to die and that I did not voice any concerns about it. Married to a lawyer for a few years, 10 years in the medical billing business, I understand what they are doing even though that's not how they put it. And, I understand all the myriad of reasons why, so I visit for a bit, make a few suggestions and try not to let it get to me. How awkward death must be for a nursing home, although they do a booming rehab business as well. The geriatric piece is pretty much a one way ticket.

I'll finish with a flower from my aunt's garden so no one has a nightmare. Well, it was in the batch of pictures from California, so if it wasn't in my aunt's garden it was somewhere in a 50 mile radius.
Blessings to you all!
thanks for all these interesting and beautiful things... your body art was really fascinating...
i always love to see your snakes... the way you talk about them is really amazing...wow! you can understand their moods...
you flowers are so refreshing...
That is some leg you have there. Lovely photos. May your uncle be at peace as he goes along his journey. He is lucky to have you there by his side.
Snake moods are pretty easy to read. Coiled in a ball-I'm scared, leave me alone. S curve (like Glo is displaying)-I'm not sure about this, I could strike. The bigger the S, and the further the pullback, the more sure you are to get a strike. Depending the snake and the situation, that could be anything from a bump with the nose to a full on, latched on, bite.
Honestly, very few animals bite without some warning and some provocation-the exception being if they are hunting you with the intent to eat you. Really, who would expect a warning then?
think understanding is loving... now i'm getting to know them better, so i love them more...
thanks for teaching me their language... fascinating...
Oh, and 99.9% of snakes aren't hunting you to eat you-I was thinking more in terms of bears and sharks and lions....and even then MOST sharks are not hunting you.
Frankly, I'm surprised we don't get eaten (humans) a lot more than we do-we are slow and unobservant. Sadly, we have distanced ourselves from the natural world.
you surprised me with that tattoo, debra kay! i wouldn't have guessed.
i am soon to get a smaller version.
love that tattoo Deb - wowie! is the little glo-worm bigger than a rubber band now? (I loved that image). Thanks for the spring visit altho' I keep hearing that you are getting tornadoes and storms Take care!
Oooohhh errrr, all that colouring- in takes the colour out of my face! Luckily your garden and GloWorm put the colour back in :)
wow i 'dig' your tat! awesome.
little gloworm is getting cuter by the day, loved the way you woke him up...such fun....think i would like to come to tea one day to see him/them and all the doggies of course. i pray that uncle john goes quickly now, for all your sakes (and his). hugs and wfs.
Hey Deb - just stopped in to say hello and see how you are doing. I'll let you know about the July 4th week - we are going down in June so am not sure. Now if we could persuade FY to join us in Florida for a few days...?????
Hey, I remember that leg! I used to see it a lot when we were riding bikes for many many miles at a time. Ahhh, those were the good ole days.
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