I was on my back holding him in the air (he's tiny so that really isn't a problem) in front of a window to get the shadows and light without a flash.
Green Tree Pythons are favorite photography subjects because they sleep in a very artistic pose and you can just snap away. But getting a clean shot of a squirmy, tiny, inquistive little baby one is a whole 'nother ball game.

really small
but beautiful... the color and the patterns...
in the third photo... i feel it is enjoying being with you...
and what a funny grin it's got!!
HB you are right. He got bored with the camera (I had to use a macro lens and was rubbing his chin on my finger nail. Reptiles and men are a lot alike-the both enjoy body heat.
I've never had a snake so tiny as he. He fascinates me with his small size and his ferocity, but I guess when you are little it's better to be fierce. I've really enjoyed earning his trust.
Deb - what are those little holes on the side of his face?
Unless you are Paris Hilton, you probably can't afford an Ethel belt.
I wouldn't want one anyway, I was just enjoying my sense of humor. But being as you brought up Paris Hilton, fuck her.
Because I sure wouldn't.
Again... the eyes... they're so captivating... and the way they work with the pattern on the scales... a part of the camouflage... nature is amazing!!!
Thw holes are heat sensing pits-most pythons (only the woma doesn't that I know of) have them, leading some people to theorize that pythons were once venomous. I think a more likely situation would be many snakes had heat seaking pits, some evolved venom and some evolved constriction behavior, because why would a venomous creature who was successful need to evolve further?
Sometimes we in the west get so linear and thinking this causes this we ignore the possibility of simultaneous or even *shiver* unrelated events.
BBC, in the snake fancy, there is a term some people use called the belt factor or the hat band factor-just means the animal is pretty but some folk get all up in arms about it so I don't use it unless I want to piss someone off. I get a strange, sick kick out of watching someone go ballistic and lecture ME on cruelty and greed and how animals must be taken care of.
When I was younger I used to want to correct someone if they had a false impression of me, then I realize people who leap to conclusions aren't likely to change so I just laugh at them. Sometimes, if they get to know me, they do change, and if they tell me "I used to think " I tell them point blank that I laughed at them.
I believe it IS possible to call an idiot an idiot without any malice.
Yikes, you always do this to me :)
how lovely, how naturally lovely, no artifice, no makeup no extremes, just lovely. sigh wish i could paint him.
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