Once upon a time Slim Cadiddlesnake was out for a slither. He sloooooowly looked up and he saw

a very tall cactus. He thought the cactus looked regal, but plain, and wished that it could be a little less long and a little less lonely.

That night, a friendly goddess paid the cactus a little visit and the next morning when Slim was out for his stroll he saw....

Oh such a wonderful story and photos!
Happy Cactus Monday!
oh debs this is truly adorable....why don't you write kiddies books? you're so talented with a pen! happy cactus monday fellow cactuteer and writer.
There are cacti galore here! I think Slim Cadiddlesnake looks regal ;)
Slim was played by Tarzan, who has since passed away. He was a reticulated python, and while not neccesarily sweet, he was always funny.
One morning as I was leaving for Mexico, I found he'd escaped his temporary digs (I had just moved) and he'd fallen asleep on the back step with his head resting on an empty food (mice) carton. I picked him up and tucked him back in his cage.
There's nothing like a sweet snake story to get me going in the mornimg! I love the treasure he found, beautiful cactus in bloom, hens-n-chicks...nice!
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