I'm very sad for my cactus. The more I think about it, the more horrific it seems.
Here is a pretty good explanation of the process. Still, little Frankencactus is in my house now and one of the family. Its pot is still sitting in the bromilead pot-the cactus dish I snagged from the side of Mom's house (I think she snagged it from my house in Dallas) is upended over the pepper plant.
I suppose we are all bits and pieces of everyone we've met-some just moreso than others. Happy Cactus Monday Cactuteers!
Yes, these are interesting. I wonder how they feel with these new and different attached parts? :) Cacti always have a story.
Happy Cactus Monday!!
I like the accessories... in my last home my girlfriend would paint lips on the cactus and decorated it rather than a tree at Xmas... our ferret loved to get into the big pot it was in and try to tunnel... he'd fling dirt everywhere... that little rascal...
Teri, always knew nature didn't make those things, but yesterday it really began to bother me. And yet, there is an art an skill involved in creating them.
The Koreans certainly don't need My approval to create frankencactus to sell in the gas stations and gift shops along the interstate.
My little cactus looks like the one on the left-only it's bluegray and pink. It really does look like someone stuck a brain on top of a normal cactus.
The cactus pot is now freed from freeze duty and I'll pot the little cactus and see what it has come to teach.
Hopper, I used to have to tie my Christmas tree to the ceiling-now I either use plastic ornaments or last year I just got a wire tree made of bells. Every animal in the house believes it to be a new toy just for them-and so it is.
you are always so unique that's what i truly love about you. and i say welcome 'frankencactus' what a perfect name.
it's my 22nd post today- all of only senita! ha ha, beat that!
happy cactus monday debs.
We are all little bits of each other, interconnected.
I hope they tell the little cactus the truth about where he comes from.
I went to my favorite garden center last week and saw the most bizarre cactus, and this is what it was. Two different species, one grafted to the other. The top part was hard and bumpy and felt like sharkes teeth. It was a bit disturbing, yet I secretly wished I had my camera so I could post it for Cactus Monday.
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