GloWorm, my new GTP (green tree python). He won't be green for a year or so, and if he's a she he may turn blue. He's about the size of a large nightcrawler and very delicate. Compared to my bigger, brutish Ball pythons, he's a chihuahua to their pugs.
Happy Animal Wednesday
GloWorm is gourgeous...
what does a GTP tha tiny eat? mealworms?
bits of cheese?
is he/she so fragile that you can't hold him?
my typos ^ are bugging me....
and you said 'delicate,' not 'fragile'...two different things?
Oh, he/she is absolutely beautiful!Wow! I'm amazed by folks who can't see their beauty.
I'd really like to see a blue snake. I'm crossing my fingers for a girl :)
Happy Animal Wednesday!
Fragile is appropriate too. Many are injured from people trying to pull them off branches, etc.
Right now I'm letting it settle in then I'll see how the handling goes. Some of them are ok with it, some don't like it and make better display animals.
GloWorm is an Aru type, and they are usually a bit calmer.
One this size eats mice pinkies-really tiny ones.
That's interesting, but what do they eat in the wild? Do they carry around little knifes to cut off the tiny mice pinkies? *smirks*
You can mow Helen's lawn with your boobs out, we won't care. Sometimes she looks out her window and catches me taking a leak in the yard and if I notice her I shake it at her a few times.
She gets a big kick out of that.
A pinkie IS a tiny little mouse. They swallow it whole. Saves time on chewing. In the wild they eat anything that wanders onto their branch...lizards, frogs, mice, probably even smaller snakes.
I still remember as a kid hearing my cousin yell to his brother..."KENT, Mom TOLD you not to pee in the front yard!!!!"
Oh this snake is so beautiful, and he/she DOES glow. Lovely picture Deb, HAW (Happy Animal Wednesday!)
the sun
spiraling downward
to perch
on my fear...
Magnificent being!
Oh wow, did you hear me eeking when I opened your blog. Is this for real, I mean a real snake? YIKES!
GTP's are the most zen of snakes, they hang about in limbs waiting for their next meal.
The close ups of babies are misleading-I'll take one soon with something in for size perspective.
I did hold it up yesterday when it arrived so I could get a good look at it's face and nostrils and it went pretty well, so we'll see how the macro lens works out vs. the telephoto lens.
Now seriously, people talking about how bitey they are as babies=he's not any bigger than a wadded up rubber band-and the next person that says "yeah I got tagged" I am going to let have it. The adults are bigger, have stronger jaws and bird catching teeth, but little GloWorm might inflict pain, but would be more likely to damage himself than my tough old hide.
Since he pooped yesterday I bought him a little pink along with mice for the others and he snarfed it right down. Apparently he didn't read the book where GTP's are shy and respond to change poorly. Of course, I DID read the book that says get them in, inspect them, and leave them alone till they settle in-so maybe it's my superior snake skills.
Teri, think of snakes as cactus with the thorns on the inside of one in.....
He/she is beautiful looking! Wonder whether green or blue when older, I've only seen green ones in the wild. I do know they have a particulary strong taste for frogs :)
Anon, you are so lucky to have seen a wild one. Your part of the world has some amazing snakes.
I love the scrubbie/jungles/carpets. They have a bad reputation, but I've seen some that were real loves, and most people have no business with a snake over 10 feet anyway.
I'd like a white lipped too-but they are another reputed cranky snake, but again one you could walk away from.
I also like the spotted python and the plainer children's python. I've heard they are really fun little critters.
man oh man he/she is so pretty, gonna try to paint him soon, like i did bette. what a cutie pie!
he really is a cool looking snake.
I don't care to think about his eating habits, but he is gorgeous to look at and would be lovely to paint. Great photograph.
Yes, Robyn, they don't make snake kibble. But truly, it's less messy and disgusting than the pigs feet I am baking as a treat for the dogs today.
Michele, I can't wait to put him on a pencil so you guys can see how tiny he is. But remember, he's desitined for maginifence-it just takes awhile to get there.
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