Monday, July 20, 2009

Mustang and Garden


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Fun to see your reflection in the car. Nice car too. Your garden looks good for it being so dry.

Debra Kay said...

The reflection was one of those fortunate accidents-but maybe someday I'll be talented enough to plan it.

The garden is good largely because I water it every freaking day-those are some of the world's most expensive eggplants. Next year it will be leveled properly and mulched properly-I was too sick to do it this year.

But, I'm glad I crawled out of bed and dribbled water on those silly plants. I think, on some level, it kept me going.

Mim said...

That is one gorgeous car girlfriend - wow

Debra Kay said...

It's my vanity piece-the Mustang of Self Delusion...LOL.