Saturday, January 17, 2009

No Pup Yet

I woke up today convinced that I needed to wait, and so wait is what I'm going to do.  Moon is just starting his teenage stage, and I may have been lulled into complacency by Oliver, who is a very mild dog and whose rebellious stage was glaring at me one day when I told him to go outside.  I said "Oliver, are you rebelling?" and he immediately trotted out the door.  

Moon is cut from sterner stuff, and I want him bullet proof around horses-he has to be in order to fulfill my fantasy of going off to the stable, dog in tow, yadda yadda.

I'm a little saddened by the sure knowledge that the world is full of nice dogs, and another nice dog will come along when I'm ready.  I feel like letting go of "the one and only" notion is a sign I am becoming jaded.


kj said...

i feel that way too, debra kay. i keep thinking i should go to the local shelter because there's a dog waiting for me.

i'll probably do it on impulse...and that will be okay too.


studio lolo said...

See my response on your other entry ;)

studio lolo said...

I was perusing 'skywatch' photos and came across this horsey blog :)

Debra Kay said...

OMIGOD, Lolo, what a great blog that is. Dope On a Rope (DOR)....don't tell Oliver about that, he'll name me something awful, and this after I made him and the bad boyz a Petamine Omlette this morning.

Jon said...

hey Deb... saw a picture earlier and thought of you for some reason... it's from a zoo where this tiger lost her young and the zoo staff switched in little pigs... I don't know if you've seen this yet... I put the shot up on another site of mine...