Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Trailer Porn

Look at my new three ball hitch....nanny nanny boo boo.

A co-worker also called to let me know they rearranged the office again and I have been moved, closer to my boss (well that makes sense) but not in a window cube. Strangely enough, I couldn't care less. Someone was worried I would be upset but it pretty much takes stopping my paycheck to upset me these days.

Ok, I do admit, I look at some idiots who have offices and wonder "why them and not me" in much the same manner as you look at someone with a Mercedes and wonder the same thing. In my case, it's just idle wondering, I don't really want either.

Now, in the corporate world, this can lead to exploitation and having people walk all over you. THAT I definitely do not want, but since I don't tolerate it anyway, it sometimes tries to happen, but rarely comes to fruition.

Between Uncle John and my leg I've had a good six months of flexible working conditions, so I am not going to shout about moving to a different cube. The co-worker was concerned I would be upset because they didn't unpack my stuff for me. I looked around at the UPS boxes in the living room with my trailer jacks and upside down tomato garden (yet to be assembled) and thought about my back bedroom full of my stuff and John's stuff, now combined since so many people have helped me clean the room. I don't think the unpacking thing will upset me either.

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