Sunday, July 13, 2008


I am very impatient today. Very. Went to pick Mom up to take her to see Uncle John-20 minutes to get to the car. 3 minutes to get to nursing home. 10 or so minutes to visit with the lady out front-finally I broke in and said "we need to go see John". John was asleep, so I sat with him and Mom wandered out to talk to the nursing home staff. Finally collected her and we left.

In reality this took exactly 45 minutes.

No, I don't have anything in particular that needs to get done today-but I'm going to take Mom and Dad for Daddy's test tomorrow which means sitting in a waiting room with one or both of the most impatient people of all time for several hours tomorrow. I only HAVE so much patience, and I'm trying to save it LOL.


Mim said...

I often get so impatient with my folks that I'm embarrased for my poor behavior.

Hey, love the picture of "lily" playing peekaboo. It's delightful

Anonymous said...

People say they admire my patience but I think I'm the most impatient person in the world! Maybe we all think the same of ourselves. Being patient just isn't natural!!!

Jon said...

Deb... you seem to me a truly caring and loving person... you've made sacrifices and compromises to be there for your folks and your uncle... I know that this may seem to you like just the normal thing to do, a duty you're required to do... but you've taken this upon yourself... unselfishly and without reserve... and the sad truth is that so many of us would not do the same thing in your position... so don't be so hard on yourself... just because you have a lapse in patience every now and then doesn't take away from the goodness that you spread... you're a gem...

peace and love,

BBC said...

In reference to your remark a few posts back, yes manly men do get sick and die, and they accept that as part and parcel of this planet.

I simply do not give a fuck when, how or what I might die from. To me it's all a crap shoot.

And I don't give a crap if your parents die, if I don't give a crap if I die why should I care if they die? What did they ever do to make this a better world? Didn't say they didn't, just don't know what it was.

Fuck, I sure haven't done much to make this a better world other than kill a few rattle snakes with a tire iron and send checks to hopefully feed some starving women and children.

And take care of Helen, at least I make her world better.

BBC said...

No, I don't have anything in particular that needs to get done today

Other than the things I do to help Helen get along and continue to live in her home I never do anything that is important. Everything else is just a bunch of fucking around.

BBC said...

And what I really like to fuck around with is nice hair and boobs, ya know what I mean? LOL

Debra Kay said...

Such a snapshot of world views in these comments. Caring, empathy, impotent rage. Do I add my own fear, empathy, rage or nothing at all? That is the only true power we have in this life-our ability to choose what we will add to the collective experience.

It's 3 a.m. and I am up reading to avoid thinking about another, earlier tirade from a source closer to home. BBC's venom provides an interesting counterpoint, the earlier volley was an attack of "caring", now this, an attack of "disinterest", yet the point of both appears to be the same-I(the angry rabbit) am angry because you (Debra Kay) are acting on the world as you choose and not as I want you to.

Silly rabbits, controlling me would give you no more control over the world than you had before-only a hollow illusion. In times past I would have countered your anger (or anyone's for that matter) with my own, lending my own energy to the madness. Not today.

Rabbit fears the snake because he coils and strikes. I love the snake because he strikes without malice. Can you say the same?

Maybe patience is simply another word for accepting what is, and maybe our little selves can only accept so much at any given time. Our bigger selves, in theory, should accept an infinite amount of isness. If we all accepted as much as we could at once, would we swallow the entirety of what is with our boundless capacity?

human being said...

hmmm... precious reflections...
think patience can also be a matter of mechanical time vs. emotional time...
those 45 minutes are just 45 minutes mechanically... a very short period of time... but what is the emotional load? if i feel impatinet after this short time, what i have experienced is more than that...

Debra... think you are very patient... maybe you need to 'breake in' more...
whenever i do it(of course most of the time softly) i feel much released and consequently more patient!
lots of love...

soulbrush said...

you tell him debs!!!!!!!

i agree with hb, it's the emotional strain that wears one down. remember there's a place for you in heaven one day!

BBC said...

BBC's venom provides an interesting counterpoint,

Get back to me on that if you live another 20 years.

Debra Kay said...

BBC, I won't be "getting back to you" unless you log in to my blog in 20 years. I do not visit your blog any longer and I try to ignore your comments on everyone else's blog. I will lend no further energy to your angry tirades. We actually agree on many things, but your method of delivery makes it too time comsuming and draining to try and find the wisdom beneath the anger.