Tuesday, March 23, 2010

To Set the Record Straight

I really try hard to do what I'm told and if some people can't hang on after they tell me to trot, well what is a boy supposed to do.  I also like looking straight at the camera, and that lady is always complaining that it's not my best angle.  LOOK at this face-there is not a bad angle on this face!

Why, I look good even when I'm making funny faces.  Did you know Mr. Ed was buried in Oklahoma?
When the lady thinks I'm being silly she sometimes calls me Mr. Ed.  I think I may start referring to her as Wilbur.

This is not ME-this is Dazzle-she is one of my fair ladies. She always looks away when the lady is trying to take her picture and she (that woman) says she's not going to fiddle with her any more.  Look at her, she's so tiny next to me and so delicate-grrrrrooooowl.  But the lady says it doesn't matter much,  because I'm a gelding.

This is Macho.  He's a stallion.  What does HE have that I don't?  Hmph.


soulbrush said...

beeootiful, darling faces, i am scared of horses, they are sooo big, but i love their faces.

Debra Kay said...

Horses aren't as big as giraffes! Well, Oliver the horse is-yes, another Oliver is in my life-one of the biggest horses I have ever seen.

Mim said...

Well, aren't they the most gorgeous animals!!

all that stallion has is silly machismo!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What handsome creatures. Of course it isn't your fault that "someone" falls off when you are told to trot. HAW.

studio lolo said...

great shots Deb!! I can think of 2 things that stallion has...;P

Hey, I hope Mr. Birdy-Bird has a post up his sleeve so he can tell us about his vacay!
