Friday, March 20, 2009

You Never Know

From our buddy Jim Wakeland in Texas. I was going to wait till next Wednesday, but why wait? You just never know when someone might really need to see a squirrel.

Whoops, wrong critter. That was the porcupine. Here is the squirrel. I left the porky too-you just never know when someone might really need to see a porcupine.


soulbrush said...

i have never seen a real porky...what a strange looking fella...happy weekend debs.

studio lolo said...

The first thing I said when I woke up this morning is "What I really need to jump start my day is to see a porcupine and a squirrel photo that are too darned cute to resist!"

The Universe works in mysterious ways ;)

kj said...

i'll be damned. i woke up and said the exact same thing to myself that lolo did. how incredible is that? a universe working in double mysterious ways