I am here among you now. The anal retentive one who takes care of me insists I wait for the day designated as "Animal Wednesday" to share my wisdom with you. I shall indulge her as she indulges me with pignolias and peanuts and paper tubes to shred.
I have lived among your kind since arising from my egg, THE egg for me, AN egg for you. You human folk seem to turn my into THE quite often, don't you? As a creature of the flock the progression for me goes my -------->one of many and then stops. As a creature of the mind, your flow is more like my ----------->THE ONLY......then tries to eradicate all others.
You have an amazing range of sounds and vocalizations, but tend to move quickly from one "word" to another without pausing to contemplate the nuances of each one. I spend the morning in meditation, considering the richness of tone and scale in a single world..."hello".
We are so alike, yet so different, and I believe we have much to learn from each other. I hope to be given the opportunity to speak again to you. ****************FART***************
I'm confused but go see Teri's site - lovely post for you.
HAW friend,
Oliver, from what I hear you're meditating and considering the richness and tone of a single fart!!
That Oliver is one clever bird ain't he? Quite the speak and quite the ending.
everything speaks in its own way...
Oliver, I am sure (hiccup) that you have much to offer. Just be sure to give your Debra Kay a nuzzle from me. She needs it. No words required for that you know. ****burp**** All will be understood in the end.
LOL...does Oliver really FART???
I came back to check on you. Just a feeling I'm having.
I hope Oliver is farting up a storm during the debate :)
and FART back to you oh wise one!
and FART back to you oh wise one!
don't know how many times i posted that, it wouldn't work...but i clicked and clicked so there may be six of the same...yikes....
I posted but maybe it didn't go thru...or maybe you are just up to your a.. in more than alligators. am thinking of you. mim
I really hate this moderation crap, however I keep deleting posts that I wouldn't want on my blog for any reason....so it remains a necessary thing.
Oliver makes farting noises-all farts are not the same. He is a lover of sound, any sound, and fart sounds are one of his favorite vocalizations.
ROFLOL to your posts and all the comments!! LOL 'Bathroom humor' (as my grands call it) can be so darn funny.
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