Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ugh stuck.....

I seem to get some momentum for a bit-then I get stuck again.  Most likely this happens because I take a little momentum-declare "now I have it" and add about a zillion things onto my to do list......get overwhelmed and stop.  Yeah-that's an ADD thing.

I guess my new mantra should be slow down and get there faster.  Would anyone buy a T-shirt that said that?

I guess this is going to become an ADD blog for awhile while obsess on this new label.  I hate labels.  I like the new clarity my brain has with the Ritalin-but I dislike what the fogginess has done to my life while I avoided the label.  OH well.


Mim said...

i do the same thing - embrace a course of action only to overwhelm myself with it. stupid of me. you'd think one would learn after so many earthly years...

soulbrush said...

slow down, get there faster. i think this should be my mantra too. although the new meditation course i have started is helping me do this. hate labels with a passion, they can kma!

Debra Kay said...

I am trying to train my brain the way I train a dog-and with the same compassion. That's what's been missing for my own personal training-my own compassion for myself.

studio lolo said...

they say to practice true 'loving kindness' we have to start with ourselves.
That's why I can't even get my foot in the door!
It's hard deb, but you'll get there. Maybe one day I will too.
